I love little boys with long hair. If I had it my way, the world would be full of boys whose eyelashes bang up against their long locks. But, for months now, I have had the feeling that friends and strangers alike have been meeting behind my back to plan a hair intervention. It started with, …
Tag Archives: what is coffee cupping
Burundi’s front door
I have always wanted to take the time to photograph the doors we see while whizzing to the coffee hills. There is something beautiful about how unique they all are. Really, I don’t think I have ever seen two doors alike in Burundi! I imagine that these doors say a huge amount about the people …
Weekly round-up.
Our biggest news this week is being part of the launch of the new and beautiful Wayfare magazine. You can view the magazine here, and you can read more about how this masterpiece was created on Anne’s amazing Paris and design based blog here. If you are traveling with small children, be sure to check …
By the way, we’re in Wayfare magazine!
Wayfare magazine recently interviewed us about adventure, parenting, and why we made the move to Burundi. The people over at the brand spankin’ new Wayfare magazine are incredible. When they decided to include us in their first issue, and when I saw it for the first time, I did a full on singing and clapping happy dance. That’s …
Six tips for traveling with kids
Ziplocs in action. It is a gargantuan task to get our family out the door, to the airport, past security, onto the plane, into a seat that is actually ours, and through the flights (there are ALWAYS more than one). Over the years I’ve tried IT ALL on long flights, and here’s what works for …
Family On Polaroid Film
Today I was talking to some friends about joy. Specifically about what gives us joy. Photography and family were the two things that immediately popped into my head. Yes, I LOVE photographing other things… but I feel so much joy photographing my boys’ journeys into grown-up-hood (lets face it… they might protest this whole thing …