Neo on film.

We are back in Burundi (holy-moly-jet-lag-Batman!) and I have been nervous and excited about sharing these film images with you. We are finally back online, my husband BOUGHT ME A DESK (that’s a huge deal, as I was doing all my blogging, editing, writing, etc. from the couch or the bed or the table), and …

A Styled Shoot: Burundi Style

Uh, hello! Who would have thought that I could be a part of a shoot like this in BURUNDI! I didn’t, until I met a designer who is living here and asked her if we could find a way to collaborate. She was amazing and put everything together in under a week. Another crazy thing? …

Featured in “On to Baby”

Don’t worry guys… this is still a blog about Africa, coffee, and whatever else it’s about EVEN THOUGH this week it looks like a maternity photographer’s blog. What can I say? I love those preggie bellies! The great people over at On To Baby are featuring my session with Bonita and her husband, Dylan, today. …

The Bikes of Burundi

The bicyclists of Burundi are amazing. They carry insanely disproportionate loads on the backs of their bikes. One day we saw an ENTIRE bedroom set on the back of a bike. A bed frame and two side tables. These “bike taxis” are everywhere used to transport everything. Often bikers get in accidents with cars, people, …

Burundi the beautiful

  Oh, Burundi. You are the fourth poorest nation in the world. Burundi. USAID says, “In general, Burundi is perceived as among the 25 most corrupt countries in the world. Petty corruption is widespread, with informal payments required to obtain most services, permits, or licenses.” And we FEEL that corruption Burundi. According to the International …