Sometimes, but not always, I think this might be too hard for me. There is a frustration growing in my belly so intense I think I might explode with it. It radiates, strengthens with each breath, and flutters around my insides like a caught bird. Sometimes, but not always, this world makes me want to …
Tag Archives: lab notes
Oh man, I love you guys…
… because there is NO WAY I could have left with our air freight today if you have not said at least one little prayer for my underwear. God provided a way, in a land where there are no systems worth trusting. More than EVER before I have faith in my God. He protects. Loves. …
When you pray…
We have 15 pieces of luggage being held captive against it’s will, and ours, in the Burundian customs office. It arrived two weeks ago… 15 bins full of kids toys, pillows, saucepans and very regrettably most of my underwear (yeah, I know). Every week that it is in “storage” at the Burundi airport we have to pay …
A China Crap Tricycle
Neo just fell over on his new “crap-from-China-but-we-were-desperate” tricycle that he’s too small for. We’ve had it for about two hours and it’s already broken in two places. We got it at the one shop in town, T2000, that sells things straight off the boat from China. Even the sales staff are from China. What …