A seven year old girl once stood on the sidewalk of her Chicago suburb. Out of what seemed like nowhere to her, two dobermans appeared. They were growling and barking and showing their pointy teeth. And then they ran. They ran straight at her, looking as menacing as they possibly could. The little girl wanted …
Tag Archives: farm notes
How not to Loose One’s Mind Crossing African Borders, and Other Useful Things to Know Before Driving to the Center of Africa
I tried to come up with a nice succinct title for my thoughts about the journey from Durban, South Africa to Bujumbura, Burundi. But like the roads I took, it may look like an inch on the map before you but the reality is it’s going to be long, hard and nearly inaccessible by …
breathe in and out as your daddy travels worried over dusty roads breathe in and out as your mommy cries but finds her strength breathe in and out as they force your airway to.open.up breathe in and out as our tribe huddles around your hospital bed breathe in …
A terrible, no good, very bad Father’s Day.
You see, there is this cherub cheeked baby. He’s sleeping right now a door away. Today when his mommy took him to the doctor, the doctor asked her a very hard question. He asked, “How old is your baby?” She sputtered and stumbled over the numbers in her tired mind until she had to admit… …
the eclipse
On the night of our tenth anniversary this graced the skies. An eclipse of the moon. Ben and I chatted about how cheesy it was that we were both feeling sentimental that it was in the sky on this night. Of all nights. Tonight he drives for the city of Iringa, Tanzania. Happy weekend, Kristy
I miss him
This is a crazy time to be apart. There are decisions I am faced with every day that I wish Ben was facing with me. Should I get this size plastic bin or is it too big for air freight? Should we go with this moving quote or that one? Should I pack this or …