When she was just sixteen years old, a student named Emilienne fell in love and dropped out of school, choosing marriage over her schoolbooks. In 1993, just four years later, she tragically lost her young husband to the civil war ensuing the assassination of Burundi’s first democratically elected president.
Coffee. People. Potential.
Before + Now: Apollinaire
Apollinaire has grown coffee for more than four decades but rarely had the chance to taste it. Like many other coffee farming parents in Burundi, Apollinaire has gone to great lengths teaching his children how to grow and care for coffee
A guide to working with Long Miles Coffee
We are often asked the question, “How do I begin working with Long Miles?” In truth, the answer to this question depends on a number of factors.
The roads to coffee production at Long Miles Coffee
Every harvest is different from the next. We can’t always predict what each coffee harvest will yield but believe that every coffee that is picked and processed needs a home, which is why coffee production takes different roads within our company.
Before + Now: Dorothy
With her loveable personality and seemingly endless wisdom, Dorothy is an anchor in her community. At forty-three years old, she’s no stranger to farming coffee.
Before + Now: Salvator
Salvator is a forty-two year old coffee farmer from Gaharo hill. He comes from a big family, and is a father to four young children- all of whom he dotes on.