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Featured in “On to Baby”

Don’t worry guys… this is still a blog about Africa, coffee, and whatever else it’s about EVEN THOUGH this week it looks like a maternity photographer’s blog. What can I say? I love those preggie bellies! The great people over at On To Baby are featuring my session with Bonita and her husband, Dylan, today. …


Last night we lost you. It stings with a heart wrenching, gut sinking foreverness. I am aching all over with the finality of it. You had no idea if we were ever coming back for you. But we were, my regal friend, we were. I feel as if a part of me has broken away …

I Drink a Lot of Coffee

4:45 am.  Neo wakes up and starts laughing, talking loudly, singing,etc. 5:00 am.  Neo’s noise has woken Myles.  Myles proceeds to get Neo out of his cot (crib for you Americans). 5:05 am.  Coffee Guy stumbles into the lounge before two little boys can destroy anything more. 5:06 am.  Espresso machine is turned on. I …

the chocolate pirates

I’m up. In the middle of the night. This happens to me on and off, especially when I hear weird noises that may or may not be gunfire. All this wakefulness has gotten me thinking about our weirdest night in Burundi. We had been here a little over a month when I woke up in …

but somehow…

In silence I can finally see you. This aloneness soothes my weary self away. Even though it’s I’m bent like a twig before you, the Creator of all time.   My minds eye wanders to love. Your love for this place. I can see it as clear as day, you love this land. You …
